Sunflower Seeds have Taken Over the World of Baseball!

Today was going to be my 10 year olds’ last baseball game.  It was cancelled…due to heavy rain and flooding fields…again.  With all this rain we may be working on an ark this weekend, but that’s a whole different topic.

What I want to write about is sunflower seeds.  With shells.  Over the last two years they have literally taken over the baseball players, parents and coaches lives, specifically during baseball season.  I worked the concession stand recently and they were one of the most popular items.  Big bags of sunflower seeds with flavors like dill, ranch, bacon (yes bacon) salt and vinegar and of course, plain.

I have to admit, I am very annoyed by these nuts and the craziness that they cause.  I mean, you literally cannot go out on the field to play or coach third base without stuffing you mouth first.  I’ve watched parents and kids have a contest on how far they can spit the shell.  Kids are fighting over them in the dugout.  Parents are “talking” with them…I can’t understand what they are saying.  They are all over the car, in pockets, I find them in the wash and when I clean out the lint of the dryer.

Although annoying, I admit I also find it comical.  I have no interest in them myself, but let’s say I’m happily annoyed that sunflower seeds symbolizes the start of baseball season, Spring (yes!), warmth, sunshine and longer days.  And watching my kids Play Ball!

My Dad was Peter Pan

Moments of really missing my Dad come out of no where.  The surprise of it sometimes takes my breath away.  For me, the last time was 3am this morning.  I woke up out of a dream and with no recognized reason a picture of my dad popped in my head.  Then, of course, I couldn’t sleep.  I took the time to go through years and years of memories, some happy, some sad.  Somehow by repeating these memories in my mind I can keep him alive or at least his memory alive.

My dad could really not be compared to Superman, Batman, Spiderman or Captain America.  Though I know he had some heroic moments in his life, the real truth is he was a lost boy.  Peter Pan.  The sad thing is I learned very little of his childhood.  I lost him when I was practically a child, though technically a young adult, I didn’t think of all the things I may want to ask.  He rarely spoke of his mother and even less of his father, they both passed away when he was in his teens.

He was a genuine lost soul and never grew up.  A kid at heart, he created many memories for me that were fun and adventurous.  As an adult I was frustrated with his lack of accountability and responsibility, but I learned to forgive him.  He did genuinely love my brother and I and was so proud of us I could see it in his eyes.  We were the best things he ever did in his life.

It’s weird the things you miss about those in your life that have passed on.  I would give anything to hear him snort with laughter – he always grabbed his nose when he laughed.  He also always chewed with his mouth open!!!  Gross dad.  He had the most awesome sense of humor and filled moments with silliness that I appreciate more as an adult than I did as a teenager.

It will be twelve years next month that he left this earth.  I kind of like the thought of him leading a pack of lost boys through the trails of adventures.  I bet he found the best walking stick ever.  Maybe he found his mother.

The “why” and the name

Ok I’ve wanted to start blogging for some time now.  The thing is,  my mind is full.  Full of stuff I don’t ever say.  Some of it may be deep; some of random, silly, foolish etc.  I’m an emotional spirit; seriously,  it’s annoying some times.

So the decision was made because let’s face it, I can’t keep on not talking.  What if I’m going to lose a great thought, a work of art, a poem in the beginning stage, or a small story that may inspire me or someone else?  Or, what if my mind just explodes from all the words and thoughts I have but that I never, ever say?

The name of my blog site “choosejoyandlove..”  was inspired by a necklace that I purchased that says “Choose Joy.”  You see I’ve always been a romantic through and through and until I really thought about what the words choose joy could mean to me, I would have said yes, 1,000 times CHOOSE LOVE.  Then I bought the necklace.  What I started thinking is love is hard…and in order to let love prevail I have to CHOOSE Joy in every situation I can.  J O Y – this small word packs a punch!  So while I’m still a die hard romantic, I am appreciating the impact of being in JOY.  So Choose JOY and LOVE!  Why not?